LED con intensità luminosa alta per la lattuga rossa

21 Febbraio 2022
Modarelli G.C., Paradiso R., Arena C., De Pascale S., Van Labeke M.C. High Light Intensity from Blue-Red LEDs Enhance Photosynthetic Performance, P

DLI e spettro luminoso per lo spinacio

6 Dicembre 2021
Gao W., He D., Ji F., Zhang S., Zheng J. Effects of Daily Light Integral and LED Spectrum on Growth and Nutritional Quality of Hydroponic Spinach

DLI e piantine di cetriolo

4 Ottobre 2021
Wang Y., Chu Y., Wan Z., Zhang G., Liu L., Yan Z. Root Architecture, Growth and Photon Yield of Cucumber Seedlings as Influenced by Daily Light Int

Meglio allungare il fotoperiodo piuttosto che l’irradianza

9 Novembre 2020
Shane Palmer e Marc W. van Iersel Increasing Growth of Lettuce and Mizuna under Sole-Source LED Lighting Using Longer Photoperiods with the Same Da

Effetti dell’allungamento del fotoperiodo su lattuga

21 Settembre 2020
Claudia Elkins, Marc W. van Iersel Longer Photoperiods with the Same Daily Light Integral Increase Daily Electron Transport through Photosystem II in

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